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Store Front

As you may have noticed, we haven’t really monetized our site. Occasionally we review products we’ve received, but generally this is an ad-free space. Part of it is philosophical and part of it is a reluctance to sell out to The Man. Whatever the case, some of our bloggers are entrepreneurs and as a small token of our gratitude for their contributions to this site, this page will be a place for them to advertise their personal wares. If you click the links to an Amazon site and purchase that, or any other product, within 24 hours, Fierce Fatties will get a small percentage of that sale.

Viral Nation

Shaunta Grimes has released her first paperback novel, Viral Nation (also available on Kindle), a dystopian novel with a 3.9 on GoodReads. I just got my copy in the mail and will be providing a review in the near future. I can say for certain that the cover has a really nice texture.

Viral Nation

Brilliant but autistic, sixteen-year-old Clover Donovan has always dreamed of studying at the Waverly-Stead Academy. Her brother and caretaker, West, has done everything in his power to make her dream a reality. But Clover’s refusal to part with her beloved service dog denies her entry into the school. Instead, she is drafted into the Time Mariners, a team of Company operatives who travel through time to gather news about the future.

When one of Clover’s missions reveals that West’s life is in danger, the Donovans are shattered. To change West’s fate, they’ll have to take on the mysterious Company. But as its secrets are revealed, they realize that the Company’s rule may not be as benevolent as it seems. In saving her brother, Clover will face a more powerful force than she ever imagined… and will team up with a band of fellow misfits and outsiders to incite a revolution that will change their destinies forever.

Nirvana Sweets

Bronwen makes homemade caramels that Deah described as “amazingly yummy, made of simple, natural ingredients and that there are not enough ooooooooooooo’s in smooooooooooooooth to describe the flavor and texture of these treats.” Plus, they don’t stick to your teeth!

Nirvana Sweets

Leftovers: The Ups and Downs of a Compulsive Eater

Last Christmas, Shaunta reviewed Dr. Deah’s off Broadway show, Leftovers, which includes a DVD and/or eating disorder workbook for therapists, facilitators and healthcare professionals treating patients for compulsive eating, eating disorders, and body dissatisfaction. Shaunta described the play as “a candid, eye-opening look at the things we do to ourselves in the effort to be ‘perfect.’”

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One Comment leave one →
  1. August 23, 2013 12:51 pm

    These really are amazing caramels…melt in your mouth and down to your toes yummy!

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